Sunday, June 12, 2011

Essay #2

    In Persepolis the grandmother said, "Be true to your culture" to me this means that she (persepolis) needs to follow the traditions of her culture. Meaning don't branch out and be different. Do as you're told, and follow the path that was made for you. But Persepolis didn't follow what her grandmother told her at first. She got into the wrong crowd and started making poor decisions. Such as getting into drugs. So she didn't necessarily listen to her grandmother.
   Another protagonist would be Olive from "Little Miss Sunshine". She was true to herself more than anyone. She did what she really wanted which was a beauty pageant. Even though she didn't really fit in. She followed her heat and he desires even if someone else didn't believe in her or put her down. When her dad said she would get fat if she ate the ice cream, she still ate it because she wanted to and no one could stop her. Even though the rest of her family was there on her side supporting her, although that will ALWAYS help.
   But overall most of the protagonists throughout the films we watched stayed pretty true to themselves. Yes they had their ups and downs but overall no one could stop them from what they really wanted to do whatever that may be. This should be a lesson to all though, to follow your dream because no one can stop you but yourself. Don't give up because you can achieve whatever you put your mind to.

Essay #1: Create a Cultural Bridge

    The character i choose to relate to myself was Olive from "Little Miss Sunshine". I believe we have a lot in common. Yes, its probably because we have basically the same culture but i believe it goes deeper than that,  it goes to character. I believe we have a lot of the same morals and perspective on life and people. Olive is roughly eight or nine years old compared to me, being sixteen almost seventeen. This could mean either she acts older than she really is, or I'm just young at heart, OR a combination of the two which i personally think it is.
   First I'll start by comparing our families, which are so similar its scary. Our families consist of four immediate family members, a mother, father, brother, and then Olive and I. We are both middle class families who struggle to get by. In the movie the family cant afford to take a plane to the beauty pageant  so they drive. Our family is similar in that aspect. My dad has to fly a lot for work so he get those trips free, but he's going by himself. We can barely ever go on trips where we all fly. We might go once a year or less depending on what the situation is for why we are flying. We would drive but neither of our cars would work. My dad has an SUV that guzzles gas and my mother has a Volkswagen  beetle that can only fit four people without there stuff. But Olives family has a Volkswagen Van from the hippie age so it get better gas mileage but throughout the trip more and more things go wrong with it and it breaks down.
    The father is trying to start up his own business by coaching people on how to be better. My mother does basically the same, she is a leadership consultant/coach. But her business actually profits whereas Olive's fathers business doesn't. And then Olive's mother brings in most of the money just like my dad does.
    She (olive) has one sibling who is an older brother. He's a bit of a bully but that the job of a brother, but deep down and a lot of the time it shows that he really cares for and love Olive. For me i have one full related sibling and he's also my older brother and same goes for him, he loves me but picks on me big time. So we bother have two parents that fight (not necessarily in a bad way) and one older brother.
    In Olives family the grandpa is a huge drug addict. Drugs are a big part in this movie. Because eventually the grandfather dies of an overdose. The same thing happened this year to my family but instead of my grandfather it was my favorite cousin who overdosed, so this movie really hit home in that aspect.
    Then Olive has an uncle who is suicidal and has to depend on their family to help keep him safe for awhile. It was a little harder for me to relate to this part. But it just shows that family is always there for you. Which also goes for my family (most of the time). For example, my grandfather is basically blind and partially deaf, but he still has big violin gigs. So my family takes turns driving him so he can keep doing what he loves.

    Our character is the same. We bother love life and try to smile all the time. We both go for what we want no matter what the obstacles are. We do what w love. Where we're told we cant do something we prove that person wrong. Sometimes we look silly and embarrass ourselves but our families are always there to back us up.
   Olive and I have a lot in common from family to our own moral characters. We are from two totally different parts of the United States. But we're still so much alike. It goes to show, no matter where your from or where you live, as a kid and a teenager there are still so many people like yo and in some what of the same situation you are in.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine is one of my overall favorite movies, i have seen it before this time and i love it. Its a movie about an American family who are going through tough times but try to but that all aside to go on a road trip in an old fashion van so their 9 year old daughter can participate in a beauty pageant.
This movie does a great job of portraying American culture. Many of the issues in the movie are issues most American families have in one form or another.
The son being a teenager hates his family and is counting down the days before he can go get his flying license and leave them all behind. The mother is the one who brings in most of the income because the father is in some sort of mid-life crisis and is trying to create a presentation about 9 steps to some type of self goal so he can sell to make money but more so that he can feel like he did something big and accomplished something. But that whole plan falls through and he gets no money. Then theres the uncle who is suicidal and gay. And is forced to live with them for awhile until he is no harm to himself or others.
Theres also the heroine addicted grandpa who puts the 9 year old girls dance routine together, but when staying over in a hotel dies after snorting some heroine, so he doesnt get to see her dance. And you can obviously tell that the daughters favorite person is her grandpa.
Then theres the 9 year old girl who is over weight and doesnt fit in the beauty pageant at all. But only because shes a real girl. She doesnt barbie doll herself up. And in the end she makes an embarrassment of herself but the family sticks by her side and dances with her, that way its fun and theyre all being goofy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Kings Speech

The Kings Speech was a GREAT movie!! It was easy to understand the plot line because the movie was in English. I also enjoyed it because its a movie that has just recently come out of theaters. This movie is about how the King of England has a stutter, and what great lengths they go to, to fix it in time for him to make an important speech on how England was now at war with Germany.
This film showed us inside issues for this family of Royalty. The King can be related to the President of the United States. Because they are both in charge of making decisions on their counties behalf. The difference is we get to vote for our President whereas if you are King that means you are born into it, you have no real choice in the say, Royalty is in your blood.
This movie just goes to show that everyone has their challenges, and its who faces them and tries to overcome them who are the brave ones.
Another thing i noticed was that the King and Queen but mostly the King had to wear certian outfits places, such as a military uniform with all sorts of badges and things. But the President of the United States only has to wear a nice suit/tuxedo.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Last Train Home

The Last Train Home is a Chinese film. About a mom and a dad going home to visit their mother and children for the Chinese New Year. Which is one of the biggest human migrations in the world. The reason they live away from their children is so the kids can go to school and get an education while the parents work full time.
This film follows this lower class family and brings to light the struggles they go through just to see their kids and keep them in school. But the daughter doesn't like that, she doesn't like her parents anymore and goes against their wishes and quits school and gets a job. Everything their parents didn't want, everything they were working for went down the drain. The Daughter becomes shunned by the family.
The working conditions are very poor. And the jobs they had were sewing clothing for Americans, and things of that nature. So they are very different jobs and working conditions then here, in America.
This movie showed how crazy and crowded it gets on Chinese New Year. They parents barely got tickets to go see their children for a few days. They had to wait for days to finally get tickets, and when they got on the train it was overly crowded and they could barely find a place to store their luggage

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Bet Collector

The Bet Collector was a film jam packed with Philippine culture. The neighborhood was built with little allies connecting everywhere, and all the houses were connected. The main woman that was focused on lived in a house, but the front of it was a store that the family owned and ran. But you cant make enough money off of that so she was also a person who takes peoples gambling bets and numbers. This was a neighborhood filled with poverty. But I thought it was really cool that everyone knew Amy (the main woman) most likely because they placed bets with her but still.
The clothing was also something i noticed to be part of culture. It was the type of clothing you get so you at least have something to wear. It wasn't fancy at all, t-shirts and jeans most of the time. And the shirts got dirty real fast because the roads were dirt, everything was made from dirt.
The Language was another big part of the culture. They spoke Spanish but they also could speak some English if i remember correctly.
The climate was hot and muggy, humid and rainy. Nothing like in Minnesota except maybe in the summers. And everyone was prepared for those climates.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kitchen Stories

Kitchen Stories was a movie based in Norway. Its a odd concept to a movie plot, but overall the movie was really quite sweet. You just have to be patient, because it grows a little long. But its about these men from Sweden who come to Norway to observe Norwegian men and there habits and everything in their kitchen.  Folke Nilssons is a researcher who is assigned to study the habits of Isak Bjørvik, an older gentleman. But the thing is if you are and observer/researcher you are not allowed to talk to the other man because you will disrupt his habits and the study will be ruined. You could see the Swedish culture in Folke Nilssons food choice, which was a nasty looking fish and a few other things.
The landscaping was much like Minnesota, it had many pine trees and it was snowing. And if you weren't told differently you might think it was Minnesota.
Overall this was a very cute movie but there weren't very many comparisons you could make because there wasn't much dialog in the beginning.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Little Otik

This movie was explained to me and a comedy... Not at all was that true. This movie is very scary and weird. I would have never thought of something like this for a movie plot. And the characters made me so angry when i watched this movie. They were all dumb like they didn't understand what could happen if they did something. They couldn't think ahead of what the consequences could be.
There was some Czech culture in this movie but not a ton. The majority of the the culture showed up in the food they made. Such as soup, potatoes, porrage, more of the bland foods in my mind. Not many fruits or anything colorful like our culture. They stuck to greyish foods.This movie didn't do the Czech culture much justice. It just made me think that they are crazy, and the neighbors are clueless and dumb. I cant express enough how much the characters got on my nerves. But there are similarities between American and Czech culture, we wear the same types of clothes, we eat some of the same foods (but not the majority), they have building complexes like ours, and the streets have stores and grocery stores like ours do.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Of Love and Eggs

Of Love and Eggs is based in Indonesa. Although the plot line was very hard to follow you could still get at taste of the Indonesian culture. The little kid named Bimo was just like anyother kid. He had a crush on an older woman and tried to go after her but failed. He is mischevious and a troublemaker just like most kids his age, from any part in the world.
But there were also differences with Bimo. He was a child but yet he still worked. Im not sure if it was a family run place or if he actually held a job. But his job was to stamp all the eggs they sold. And to me it looked like they worked in a farmers market type of place.
There wasnt much else that really happened in the movie. Overall i was lost in the plot which made me all sorts of confused so i couldnt really relate Indonesian culture to ours.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hoop Dreams, Where are they now?

Hoop Dreams is an American film from the 1990's in Westchester, Illinois. It is a documentary about these two highschool boys, William Gates and Arthur Agee who are recruted to St. Joesph High school to play on the basketball team. We follow them through their highschool lives and watch them struggle to become professional basketball players.
The question i am asked to answer is: Where are they now? After doing lots of research i found that neither Gates nor Agee are playing basketball professionally. Their job paths and priorities might have changed, but their personalities have not. Gates is still that tall fit boy who is quiet, smart, and when you get to know him a truely outgoing man. He is now a pastor at Living Faith Community Church in Chicago. Gates married the woman he had a child with in the film, and now they have a son that plays at St. Joesph High school. And is doing his best at being a better father to his childern then his father was to him.
Agee is still that outgoing, loving, mischievious, and funny young man how had an infectious laugh. Agee now travels the nation being a part of a program called Hoop Dreams: Control Your Destiny Curriculum. Which helps youth focus more on academics making themselves more valuable. Agee is going to Tucson to shoot a film called Hoop Reality which is a follow up to Hoop Dreams. But this time Agee is going to mentor a kid from his old high school, but throughout the film is going to show youth that have big dreams of becoming professional basketball players that you still need a back up plan.
Even though William Gates and Arthur Agee didnt become professional basketball players, they are still touching the lives of many people, the majority of them being youth, and teaching them valuable life long lessons.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Persepolis wasnt what i expected to see in my Global Film Study class. It was in all black and white and it was a weird type of animation. I wasnt too fond of it. The only part i liked about it was that it was in english. The main character was a little weird. She did a lot of different things, like she stepped outside of her culture to be her own person and do what she wanted instead of what others wanted.
The film was based in Iran, and how and what this girl had to go through growing up there. Which with what i learned from the movie is VERY difficult. At least compared to what im used to, growing up in the United States with freedom of expression and speech. There they had to follow very strict rules. She was caught wearing make up out in the street in the middle of the day and was about to be questioned by the police about it. Whereas here you can wear what you want, look how you want, and its just overall a lot less strict in that sence here in the Unitied States.
She branched away from the traditions of the Islamic womens culture. She got into drugs and sex and rock and roll. All which were very against Islamic rules. Sex before marriage?! That was severly frowned apon. And especially with multipul people/partners.
Overall this was a film about the life of an Islamic woman and how she rebelled.

Run lola run

Run Lola Run is a German film that was very unique. I dont think ive seen a movie like it before. Its all about this one situation, but this girl Lola can go back in time and restart it incase something happens or goes wrong. She has the ability to restart the situation.
Some similarities i found between the German culture presented and American culture was the clothing choices. We dress very similarly, just a t-shirt and jeans, no traditional clothing. And then for work they wear suits and get more dressy then they would if they had the day off. So basically same as us!
Another thing i noticed is that Manni Lola's boyfriend is a drug dealer of some sort. I just feel like that is a common thing cultures share around the world. In every country someone is dealing drugs.
I dont know that i really enjoyed this movie though. Because it was the same siuation just played over and over again, the only reason it was replayed was because the characters made stupid and dumb decisions. Something that when i was watching the movie even knew was wrong and wasnt going to end well. I just wanted to yell at the characters and tell them to stop, because they obviously just couldnt get it right until the very end. Which was about the third or forth time through that situation.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tsotsi review

    Tsotsi is a weird movie. The logic this movie betrayed didnt make much sense to me. This guy stole a car and then crashed it, then realized that there was a baby in the backseat. And instead of leaving it there for the cops to find so they could return the baby to the parents, he takes the baby with him which seems really stupid because thats going to be a huge hassle for him because his focus has to go to the baby and so does his money. Its just an overall big inconvenience for him. 
    But something i noticed was that they have mostly bad neighborhoods, but then they have some nice houses that are gated in. I thought that was a little weird because here where we live we have bad neighborhoods but then we have good neighborhoods but they arent within each other like it is in the movie. Ours are by each other but yet separated.
     Another thing i noticed was the type of living. The house Tsotsi lived in was what looked like a one room place build from metal scraps and possible clay? i know that some of the other houses were built from clay. And they were all close together and had small allies everywhere in between each house. And if you wanted water you had to go to the pump that was kind of in the middle of all the houses, and you had to pump your own water. And it was also really easy to rob each other although rarely was there something theyd want to steel in the neighborhood because they were all poor and didnt have much at all. But there werent strong doors or big locks to keep people out, so if someone wanted to get in the house it would be fairly easy.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chak De India review!

This was a good movie. It was confusing because the languages switched back and forth between three or four different ones. So it was a little hard to follow. But it was nice that they used English because i actually understood that language.
   I thought that this was a kind of unique but yet cool concept for a movie. A womens field hockey team, and how they struggle making themselves known to India. And it teaches a good lesson to never give up and to keep trying even if the people you care for dont believe in you and dont want you to do something you love, that you should still do it because no one can stop you but yourself.
   It was unique because the United States isnt really known for field hockey. I dont think ive even known anyone whose played on a field hockey team before. But in India it seems to be pretty popular. But in both countries sports are a big part of culture which is something we share. The only difference is that our popular sports are different.
   There wasnt much you could compare between India and the United States because the movie was more about the field hockey players bonding and learning how to put aside their differences and work for the same goal. And it showed that no matter where you come from or what you believe in but that sometimes you just have to put that aside and stop thinking about yourself. Because if you want to win its going to take more then just you, it takes a team.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Host review

    I was told The Host was going to be a horror comedic movie. For me i found nothing funny in it. It is really scary! Its about this creature that gets mutated from chemicals dumped in the Han river in Korea. Long story short, it starts eating people. And he takes this mans daughter and him and his family go on a hunt to find the monster. Because they have reason to believe that she is still alive.
  In this movie I noticed the food they ate. Some was weird, like they ate squid at the small stand on the river. One food that i noticed we have in common with them is instant noodles, which here is known as ramen. They had lots of different varieties like  we do.
    Family is also very important probably just as important as it is here in the United States. So theres another connection the United States and Korea have in common. Although i believe that family is very important almost all over the world. Well actually all over the world.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Kite Runner review

     This movie is hands down my favorite so far, not only because it was in english and there were no subtitles, but because its really good. So good you begin to feel for the characters. It got me to a point where i actually cried because it was so sad. Its really touching. Some parts of the movie you couldnt even imagine could actually happen. But they can!
     Something i noticed is these kids have a lot of free time. I never saw them go to school, they just spent their days flying kites. And in Amir and Hassan's case also ready books and telling stories. But its nothing like American culture. Most Americans go to school and learn to read and write. Whereas Hassan hasnt because he's a servant. Also in America children cant work because thats called child labor and its against the law.

    But the biggest difference i saw was when Amir went back to Afghanistan after 20 years. And how the Taliban had taken full control. And how strict things were and how unfair people could be. If they didnt like something about you they could kill you. It was insane and scary to think that actually happened/happens. So i feel very lucky to have grown up in America where you have LOTS of freedom. You have freedom of speech and you can wear and look like what you want to look like. There are no rules against who you can become and there are no restrictions to your ideas. Its almost all up to you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Kite Runner

     The Kite Runner is a movie based off a book. Its about a young boy named Amir growing up in Afganistan with his friend Hassan who is his fathers servent Ali's son. All the problems begin on this lovely day after the giant kite flying tournament that Hassan and Amir win. When Hassan runs off to get the kite they won. But as he gets the kite three bullies come up and beat him up and rape him, and with no one knowing Amir just hides and watches and doesnt butt in to help his friend. Soon after Amir and his father move away to America. After 20 years there Amir writes a book and gets married. But goes back to Afghanistan to help out Ali. Only to find out terrible news, so he decides that its his job to fix somethings. Which he does.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Maria Full of Grace review

     Maria Full of Grace is a pretty good movie, for me so far its my favorite. You get a really insightful view of this poor girls experiences and the hard decisions she has to make. But the living conditions are a lot different compared to most of the United States. There in Colombia they live in crowded homes. All the roads are basically just dirt.
     Another big difference between Colombian and American culture is the jobs and job opportunities. You have a varity of job options in America. All different difficulty levels and all different salary options. But from what i saw from the movie the jobs in Colombia, first of all there didnt seem to be many. And what was avalible wasnt a very good paying job or was a very common job. And Maria's job working in that flower factory she wasnt treated very well. She had to go to the bathroom but you have to raise your hand and ask to go. And then the man didnt let her and she threw up on some flowers, and instead of having her go home and get better. He made her clean off the flowers she threw up on and still use them and then keep working until her share of the days work was done. Whereas here in America most jobs would send you home and not force you to keep working. So there are a lot of differences between American and Colombian culture.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Maria Full of Grace

    Maria Full of Grace starts out in Colombia, with a pregnant seventeen year old girl named Maria. She works in a flower power plant de-thorning roses, until one day she is fired. She has trouble finding another job so she decides to accept an offer from a guy friend to become a drug mule. So she flies to the New York, with sixty two cocaine pellets in her stomach. But things dont happen the way she thought they would.

Afghan Star review

     Afghan Star was a movie that truely showed how different American and Afghanistan culture is. A big difference in what i saw is what is accepted in the Afghan culture. One thing i noticed that really surprised me was that you arent allowed to dance, its a sin. One of the two girls danced up on stage infront of the cameras and thousands of people. And when the cameras went around asking what people thought of it, they told the cameras that she should just die because its such a huge sin. Whereas here in America dancing is an everyday thing and its not frowned apon but its encouraged.
     This just shows part of the restrictions women have in the Afghani culture. There are a lot of things they cant do. And in my eyes coming from the American culture it makes me sad and angry. Because its just showing that women still arent equal to men. The women even  have to wear head raps. This is because their beauty only creates sins. They will only tempt the men to sin. Which isnt fair to do in my opinion because you should be able to control your actions. But apparently they dont believe that.
    Another thing i noticed was how restricted they are, how many rules there are because of the Taliban. An example of that would be; you have to send/call in your vote for the show and the Taliban took down the phone lines, so these people now couldnt vote because there was no way in making a call or text.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Afghan Star

Afghan Star is a tdocumentary about a tv show based off of American idol but set in Afghanistan. Its showing the last nine contestants but focuses in on the two women and two men that are in it. Their names are Satara, Lema, Hameed and Rafi. But a major part of the film focused on Satara and the moves she makes that puts her life in danger. In this movie the cameras follow around the singers/stars and show you what its like to be in their shoes. The cameras also go around to local people and ask them about what they think of the stars and the show.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Please Vote for Me review

     This movie really surprised me. Or should i say the children in this movie really surprised me. They are mini politicians, its crazy. And they're brutal! They become mean, and they tear at eachother (the canidates do). To the point we some cried. They also begin to bribe the class. The parents really help out on this one. One kids dad is a police officer so he got free tickets for a class to ride a train. Another kid bribed kids by promising them political office jobs. These kids are very smart. And a lot of it is because of the parents stratagies.
    Another thing that surprised me was how the kids treated their parents. Well one kid in perticular. He would yell at his mother and push her around. It was very rude and i was surprised that a third grader was doing this. When all she was trying to do was help. And i think most of this is because of the one child policy in China. I think these kids treat their parents like this because they are their parents main focus and when they dont get that attention all the time they freak out. Or that they might be a little more spoiled then people that have more then one kid because all they have to worry about is keeping one child happy and its less expensive so they can afford more things for that child.
     But overall this movie showed on a small scale about what democracy is. And how it affects people. And it was funny to watch how these kids handeled learning about what it meant to have a democracy because they are in communist China. It was entertaining and fun to watch. I would recommend this movie to some people because it is teaching us a lesson also.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Please Vote for Me

     Please Vote for Me is a documentary about a third grade class at Evergreen Primary School inWuhan, China. Its about this class and how they are learning about democracy when they themselves have to take part in an election. Three kids are picked out of the class by the teacher and they have a few days to figure out what their campaign is and what they have that would benefit the class, so that the class votes for them. The election is basically for class president. And the parents of the three choosen childern use whats within their power to help their child win the election.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mongolian Ping Pong review

    Im going to have to say this is my favorite out of the two Mongolian movies we watched. Im not totally sure why i liked it more. Probably because there was more stuff going on, and people talked instead of just camel noises. But really this movie was good, a little confusing to me because its about these people who dont know what a ping pong ball is. And to me that silly, but i only think that because ive known what it is for a long time and its not a weird or strang unknown item to me. So you have to take into consideration about where people live and how advanced they are.
     Another difference i found was how they got around, transportaion wise. One of Bilike's friends had a motor scooter, Bilike rode a horse, and the traveling sales man and police man both had cars/trucks. And i was pretty surprised that the scooter could drive on that terrain. It was pretty impresive. Because those vehicals have to be able to go on just about anything because there are no real roads or anything.
     And it was pretty cool that this probably 8 or so year old kid had his own scooter. Most kids in America dont even have that. So as you can see these kids have a lot of freedom. They also stole a beer and basically ran away and played in these hills over night and its like their parents didnt even care, until they found out that the kids had gotten drunk from the beer.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mongolian Ping Pong

     This second film we're watching is called Mongolian Ping Pong, it too is also based/filmed in Mongolia. This film is about a young boy named Bilike, who finds a ping pong ball. Something he has never seen before. This small ball is basically a miracle and a confusion to young Bilike and his two closest/best friends. Throughout the whole movie these three boys try to figure out what it is and where it came from. Bilike asks his grandma and is told it comes from the spirits who live up the stream. So the three boys go on a journey to Beijing.Only to realize its further away then they had planned. Soon after that Bilike goes off to school, he enteres a building where he hears a strange sound. Only to find that it was a large room filled with people playing ping pong.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Story of the Weeping Camel Review

       I did like this movie. At first i didnt really understand what was going on. But as i continued to watch the movie i began to understand. This movie i think was made to help people understand some of Mongolias culture. And its very different if you compare it to our culture (United States). These families all live together in these hut like tents. When you go inside its very small, its circular and only one room. Theres a fire place for cooking and some sleeping areas. But nothing big and crazy like in the United States. They have room for what they need not what they want, unlike us.
      This Mongolian family raises camels. And the main theme of this movie is how its the ending to breeding season, and this one brown camel has a baby. It turns out that its white. A white camel is known to be very very sacred. But then the mother rejects it. She wont care about it at all. So this Mongolian family tries to force the mother to care for her baby. It starts as a real struggle but then they reach success.
     Another big difference between Mongolian culture and American culture, is what we eat. When i watched the movie all i ever saw them eat was what looked like watered down rice/soup. each meal time, and they didnt get to eat much of it. Whereas American culture we can eat just about, or what seems like whatever we want. And almost however much we want. Our meal choices vary, from fast food, to other cultures foods.
     The last difference id like to talk about is how our priorities differ. In the movie they all work from sunrise to sunset. Everyone has a job. And they make sure to do it because it all afftects the family and how they will survive. Whereas American culture isnt so hard working. Sure we work but not everyone has to work to survive. Sometimes we do but not always. So as you can tell American and Mongolian culture differ a lot.

The Story of the Weeping Camel

 The Story of the Weeping Camel is about a nomadic family who raise camels in Mongolia. Then there is a white camel that is bornded and its mother rejects it. Poor baby camel! But the human family helps the baby white camel because its pretty sacred. Yeah that just happened.