Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Please Vote for Me review

     This movie really surprised me. Or should i say the children in this movie really surprised me. They are mini politicians, its crazy. And they're brutal! They become mean, and they tear at eachother (the canidates do). To the point we some cried. They also begin to bribe the class. The parents really help out on this one. One kids dad is a police officer so he got free tickets for a class to ride a train. Another kid bribed kids by promising them political office jobs. These kids are very smart. And a lot of it is because of the parents stratagies.
    Another thing that surprised me was how the kids treated their parents. Well one kid in perticular. He would yell at his mother and push her around. It was very rude and i was surprised that a third grader was doing this. When all she was trying to do was help. And i think most of this is because of the one child policy in China. I think these kids treat their parents like this because they are their parents main focus and when they dont get that attention all the time they freak out. Or that they might be a little more spoiled then people that have more then one kid because all they have to worry about is keeping one child happy and its less expensive so they can afford more things for that child.
     But overall this movie showed on a small scale about what democracy is. And how it affects people. And it was funny to watch how these kids handeled learning about what it meant to have a democracy because they are in communist China. It was entertaining and fun to watch. I would recommend this movie to some people because it is teaching us a lesson also.

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