Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Kite Runner review

     This movie is hands down my favorite so far, not only because it was in english and there were no subtitles, but because its really good. So good you begin to feel for the characters. It got me to a point where i actually cried because it was so sad. Its really touching. Some parts of the movie you couldnt even imagine could actually happen. But they can!
     Something i noticed is these kids have a lot of free time. I never saw them go to school, they just spent their days flying kites. And in Amir and Hassan's case also ready books and telling stories. But its nothing like American culture. Most Americans go to school and learn to read and write. Whereas Hassan hasnt because he's a servant. Also in America children cant work because thats called child labor and its against the law.

    But the biggest difference i saw was when Amir went back to Afghanistan after 20 years. And how the Taliban had taken full control. And how strict things were and how unfair people could be. If they didnt like something about you they could kill you. It was insane and scary to think that actually happened/happens. So i feel very lucky to have grown up in America where you have LOTS of freedom. You have freedom of speech and you can wear and look like what you want to look like. There are no rules against who you can become and there are no restrictions to your ideas. Its almost all up to you.

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