Tsotsi is a weird movie. The logic this movie betrayed didnt make much sense to me. This guy stole a car and then crashed it, then realized that there was a baby in the backseat. And instead of leaving it there for the cops to find so they could return the baby to the parents, he takes the baby with him which seems really stupid because thats going to be a huge hassle for him because his focus has to go to the baby and so does his money. Its just an overall big inconvenience for him.
But something i noticed was that they have mostly bad neighborhoods, but then they have some nice houses that are gated in. I thought that was a little weird because here where we live we have bad neighborhoods but then we have good neighborhoods but they arent within each other like it is in the movie. Ours are by each other but yet separated.
Another thing i noticed was the type of living. The house Tsotsi lived in was what looked like a one room place build from metal scraps and possible clay? i know that some of the other houses were built from clay. And they were all close together and had small allies everywhere in between each house. And if you wanted water you had to go to the pump that was kind of in the middle of all the houses, and you had to pump your own water. And it was also really easy to rob each other although rarely was there something theyd want to steel in the neighborhood because they were all poor and didnt have much at all. But there werent strong doors or big locks to keep people out, so if someone wanted to get in the house it would be fairly easy.
Good observations about situations, housing and the extreme disparity between the weathly and the poor. Canelake