Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Persepolis wasnt what i expected to see in my Global Film Study class. It was in all black and white and it was a weird type of animation. I wasnt too fond of it. The only part i liked about it was that it was in english. The main character was a little weird. She did a lot of different things, like she stepped outside of her culture to be her own person and do what she wanted instead of what others wanted.
The film was based in Iran, and how and what this girl had to go through growing up there. Which with what i learned from the movie is VERY difficult. At least compared to what im used to, growing up in the United States with freedom of expression and speech. There they had to follow very strict rules. She was caught wearing make up out in the street in the middle of the day and was about to be questioned by the police about it. Whereas here you can wear what you want, look how you want, and its just overall a lot less strict in that sence here in the Unitied States.
She branched away from the traditions of the Islamic womens culture. She got into drugs and sex and rock and roll. All which were very against Islamic rules. Sex before marriage?! That was severly frowned apon. And especially with multipul people/partners.
Overall this was a film about the life of an Islamic woman and how she rebelled.

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