Friday, May 13, 2011

Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine is one of my overall favorite movies, i have seen it before this time and i love it. Its a movie about an American family who are going through tough times but try to but that all aside to go on a road trip in an old fashion van so their 9 year old daughter can participate in a beauty pageant.
This movie does a great job of portraying American culture. Many of the issues in the movie are issues most American families have in one form or another.
The son being a teenager hates his family and is counting down the days before he can go get his flying license and leave them all behind. The mother is the one who brings in most of the income because the father is in some sort of mid-life crisis and is trying to create a presentation about 9 steps to some type of self goal so he can sell to make money but more so that he can feel like he did something big and accomplished something. But that whole plan falls through and he gets no money. Then theres the uncle who is suicidal and gay. And is forced to live with them for awhile until he is no harm to himself or others.
Theres also the heroine addicted grandpa who puts the 9 year old girls dance routine together, but when staying over in a hotel dies after snorting some heroine, so he doesnt get to see her dance. And you can obviously tell that the daughters favorite person is her grandpa.
Then theres the 9 year old girl who is over weight and doesnt fit in the beauty pageant at all. But only because shes a real girl. She doesnt barbie doll herself up. And in the end she makes an embarrassment of herself but the family sticks by her side and dances with her, that way its fun and theyre all being goofy.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Kings Speech

The Kings Speech was a GREAT movie!! It was easy to understand the plot line because the movie was in English. I also enjoyed it because its a movie that has just recently come out of theaters. This movie is about how the King of England has a stutter, and what great lengths they go to, to fix it in time for him to make an important speech on how England was now at war with Germany.
This film showed us inside issues for this family of Royalty. The King can be related to the President of the United States. Because they are both in charge of making decisions on their counties behalf. The difference is we get to vote for our President whereas if you are King that means you are born into it, you have no real choice in the say, Royalty is in your blood.
This movie just goes to show that everyone has their challenges, and its who faces them and tries to overcome them who are the brave ones.
Another thing i noticed was that the King and Queen but mostly the King had to wear certian outfits places, such as a military uniform with all sorts of badges and things. But the President of the United States only has to wear a nice suit/tuxedo.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Last Train Home

The Last Train Home is a Chinese film. About a mom and a dad going home to visit their mother and children for the Chinese New Year. Which is one of the biggest human migrations in the world. The reason they live away from their children is so the kids can go to school and get an education while the parents work full time.
This film follows this lower class family and brings to light the struggles they go through just to see their kids and keep them in school. But the daughter doesn't like that, she doesn't like her parents anymore and goes against their wishes and quits school and gets a job. Everything their parents didn't want, everything they were working for went down the drain. The Daughter becomes shunned by the family.
The working conditions are very poor. And the jobs they had were sewing clothing for Americans, and things of that nature. So they are very different jobs and working conditions then here, in America.
This movie showed how crazy and crowded it gets on Chinese New Year. They parents barely got tickets to go see their children for a few days. They had to wait for days to finally get tickets, and when they got on the train it was overly crowded and they could barely find a place to store their luggage